
Showing posts from November, 2018

Theory and Frameworks

MEDIA LANGUAGE REPRESENTATION Levi Strauss  Barthes  Todorov  Neale  Baudrillard Gauntlett  Van Zoonen  Hall  Butler  Hooks  Gilroy INDUSTRIES AUDIENCE Hesmondhalgh Curran and Seaton  Livingstone and Lunt Bandura  Gerbner  Jenkins  Shirky  Hall THEORIST QUOTE MEANING Barthes Todorov Neal Levi-Strauss The system of myths and fables was ruled by a structure of opposing terms Strauss argues binary oppositions e,g good vs evil work in narrative to engage an audience and help us to process the real world. Baudrillard Gauntlett Van Zoonen The way women are represented as objects is different to the representation of male bodies The patriarchy think they are reflecting dominant social values when they represent women but in reality they are oppressing women Hall Butler Hooks Gilory The African diaspora caused by the slave trade has now constructed